Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out an overview of how Master G Alliance Private Limited uses and protects any information that you impart to Master G Alliance Private Limited when you visit/browse/use this website.
Master G Alliance Private Limited is committed to protect your privacy and confidentiality, whenever you visit/browse/use this website. Whenever you are requested to provide certain information which helps us identify you when visiting/browsing/using this website, you can be assured that it will only be used in agreement with this privacy statement. Master G Alliance Private Limited reserves the right to change its privacy policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time so as to be comfortable with any changes in the privacy policy of Master G Alliance Private Limited. This privacy policy is effective from (mm/dd/yyyy).
What information do we gather?
We may collect the following information:
  • Name and Title
  • Contact information including e-Mail address(es)
  • Demographic information such as postcode(s), region/city/country location(s), preferences and interests
  • Other information(s) relevant to our business interests
What we do with the information that we gather?
We assimilate this information to best understand your needs from our business and provide you with our best advices and services and for the following specific reasons:
  • For maintaining our company's internal records and database
  • As an information source to understand and implement to make better our products and services.
  • To be able to periodically send promotional e-Mails about new product(s) launches, special offers or any other information which we think could be of your interest in relevance to our business - by using the e-Mail address which you have furnished to us.
  • From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail.
  • The information may be put to use to redesign this website so as to adapt the website as per your interests.
  • We may provide your information to our third party partners for marketing or promotional purposes.
  • However, you can rest assured that we will never sell or let this vital information reach elsewhere unless we have your permission or are required by law.

Safety and Security of the information/data
  • Master G Alliance Private Limited is committed to make sure that your vital information is absolutely safe and secure. To eliminate any chances of unethical and unapproved disclosure or entrance, we have put in place suitable managerial, physical and electronic supervisions/systems to safeguard and securitize the vital data/information that we accumulate on-line.
How do we use 'cookies'?
  • A 'cookie' is a small file which needs approval before getting placed on your computer's hard drive. Upon your nod in yes, the 'cookie' get placed there. The 'cookies' helps us analyze the logistics of web site visits made by you and others from across the globe. 'Cookies' help various web applications to appear before you (or any other visitors) in a personified manner. These web applications are designed to be able to get customized to adapt to your needs, likes and dislikes by remembering information about your choices.
  • The 'Traffic log' cookies are deployed to make out which pages of the website are being used. It assists us in evaluating the web page visits data and improvise our website in the best interests of customers' needs and of course – our business! Once this information for statistical analysis purposes is put to use, the data is then completely removed from our system.
  • Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website visit experience. Hence, a 'cookie' is only used for the purpose as mentioned above and nothing other than the vital information/data you choose to share with us.
  • In case anyone opts to decline 'cookies', one will not be able to derive full advantages of the website.
Links to other websites
  • The website of Master G Alliance Private Limited may contain links other websites. However, please make a note of it that once you use these links and leave our website, we do not have any control on the working of other websites that these links lead you to. Consequently, we will not be in a position to shoulder any responsibility for the safety, security and/or privacy of any information which you provide when you visit such sites. You are advised to always exercise caution and review the applicable privacy statement applicable of the website that you visit or intend to visit.
Your personal information – Your control!
You may opt to restrict the use of your personal information in two ways as mentioned below:
  • If previously agreed to let us use your personal data/information for direct marketing purposes, and if you do not wish the same to be done anymore, at any time you may e-mail us at (e-mail address).
  • Whenever you are asked to 'register' on our website, look for the box that you can check to specify whether or not you want your data/ information to be used for direct marketing purposes by us or by any of our affiliates.
  • If you think that any information about you that we are holding is incomplete, obsolete or incorrect, please bring the same to our notice immediately us as soon as possible, at the above mentioned e-mail address. We will ensure a prompt auctioning on the same.
  • You may tender a request for the copy of the details of your personal information that we hold under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable for the same. Please write to (address).