
Extracted from the leaves and stalks of the lemongrass plant, lemongrass oil has a powerful, citrus scent. It's often found in soaps and other personal care products. Lemongrass oil can be extracted, and it's been used by healthcare providers to treat digestive problems and high blood pressure.

GST TAX Percentage :  18%
Product Botanical name:  Cymbopogon
Country of origin:  India
Product self life:  24 Month
Product packaging type:  Plastic Bottle
Part used:  Plants
Packaging size:  1 kg
CAS Number:  8007-02-1
Shipping:  Ready to ship in 2-3 Business Days
Shipping Cost:  Free Shipping
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Lemongrass Oil

By admin 0 0 12
1,499 Sold
2 months ago


Last seen:  16 hours ago

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