
Aloe Vera oil is an anti-irritant. It also provides some nutrients to the skin, especially amino acids as Aloe Vera gel is rich in them. One can apply this directly for relief from conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Aloe Vera oil is used in compositions for pain relief.

Product Botanical name:  Aloe barbadensis miller
Product Active Content:  glucomannans, polymannose, and acemannan, or b-(1–4)-acetylated polymannose
Country of origin:  India
Product self life:  24 Month
Product packaging type:  Plastic Bottle
Part used:  Leaf
Packaging size:  1 kg
Shipping:  Ready to ship in 1 Business Day
Shipping Cost:  Free Shipping
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Aloe Vera Oil

By admin 0 0 26
4 months ago


Last seen:  16 hours ago

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